Healthy You, Better You

Avocado, Salad, Fresh, Food, Vegetarian 

I get asked all the time how I maintain a healthy and fit body and quite frankly, it all boils down to how YOU treat YOUR body. Honestly though, you only get one and are not always guaranteed a do-over so why not take care and nourish your own body?

I work in an office so it's even more imperative for me to make sure that I don't make unhealthy lifestyle choices just because it's the "easy" way out. Trust me, it's not because in the end you're digging yourself an even bigger hole, making it way harder for you to work your way out. Yes, you can go to the gym 6 times a week or cut your calories in half with the hopes of obtaining that dream body but let's face it; you're not doing you or your body a favour by not prioritizing health.

As a kid, as most of you I'm sure, I absolutely hated eating veggies and I was a pretty picky eater. Being picky is so limiting and so I've learned to give things a second chance, even if I don't like something the first or second or third times.

Muffins, Baking, Cupcake, Berry, Pastry

For me, making healthier choices means that I've become more money-conscience. That is, I make sure to make the most out of my trips to the grocery store.

My tip: if you find yourself wasting produce every week, use some to bake muffins or scones, others for smoothies and the rest as a healthy alternative to sweets!


P.S. I'll be posting at least one or two healthy recipes each week but feel free to comment below with any questions or suggestions.


"History develops, art stands still." E.M. Foster


  1. You should post some baking recipes next!

    1. I'm kinda into baking as of late so that's definitely on the list =)
